Paste a link and create a nice look for it

When you paste a link into a node, Loops tries to embed the content the link points to. It works for, for example, videos from Youtube or Vimeo. Some other pages can also be embedded, but it does not always look so good and many pages can not be embedded at all. From Loop’s point of view, we can not influence whether the content can be embedded or not, as it depends on how the page it comes from works. Therefore, we have chosen to create our own solution to the problem, in the form of a “link panel”, which you can style yourself in Loops.

When you paste a link from a page where the content can not be embedded, a pop-up will appear where you can select a title for your link, and write a description. You can also upload an image that you think fits, or use the one fetched from the site by the system.


Here we have pasted a link to the New York Times. The page has sent an image to Loops, as a suggestion, and Loops suggests parts of the URL as a title. We choose to make some changes, which you can see in the next picture.

Here we have written our own title, selected the image that was suggested, by clicking on it. And then we have written an instruction for the students, as a link description.

We think that the second lowest link panel looks best, because there the image becomes sharp, so we choose that one, by clicking on it. 

This is what it will look like. We can edit by clicking on the pen.