New Loops apps!
We have built both an iOS app and an android app that you can find in the app stores by clicking the links. The difference for you if you use the app will be the push notifications, and the possibility to find the app easily on your device. Apart from that the app experience is quite similar to the experience you have of Loops if you use it on a mobile device today.

Share to Google Classroom
Many teachers use Google classroom to hand out tasks to their students and keep track of their work. We have built a connection between Loops and Google classroom to make it easier for you as a Loops teacher to hand out a loop as a task in Google Classroom. You just click the Classroom symbol in the teacher panel ,when you have started a loop for your students. Then you can choose which group to hand it out to in your Google Classroom environment.
The functionality needs to be activated for your school in Loops, so contact our support if you want to use the function and we will turn it on for you.

Information when starting a loop, if you are connected to multiple organizations
Some of our users are connected to several schools in Loops. Most often you don’t notice it in the system, but when you start a loop and want to invite students to it, it matters what organization you currently have chosen in the organization picker. The one at the top is the one that you will be able to invite students from, to the loop, just by using the name of a group or a student. If you are connected to several organizations you will now get a piece of information on which one you are about to start the loop in, when you start it. And thereby the possibility to change organization in the organization picker before you continue the process, if it’s not the right one.

New look of the navigation bar and organization picker
We have changed the look a little bit on the navigation bar and on the organization picker. The name of the school that you belong to in Loops is written in larger letters and “The Library” and “Home Screen” have been framed so that they look more like navigation buttons. At the organization picker and the notices, there are instead green arrows that indicate that here you can drop down a list where you will find more content.
In the organization picker, we have set a green tone for the school that you have chosen to place at the top (if you have more than one). Here we will also show you who have a test organization how many days you have left of the test period.